
Single room


Enjoy a peaceful retreat in a private room
Includes all meals and wellness activities
Access to all amenities including sauna and hot tub
Complimentary welcome gift
Transport to Charlottesville Airport
Pay your deposit

Save $100

Special offer

When you invite a friend, you both save $100!

Simply have them mention your name at check-out and we'll credit you both when you pay.

about the retreat

Frequently asked questions

How much is the deposit to reserve my spot?

To reserve your spot at The Empowered Adoptee Retreat, a deposit of $600 is required. This deposit ensures your place at the retreat and is applied towards the total cost of the retreat package. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable.

How do I get to the retreat?

The retreat will be held in McGaheysville, Virginia, which is a 1-hour drive from Charlottesville and 2.5 hours from Washington, DC airports. Complimentary transportation will be provided from Charlottesville Airport prior to check-in on Friday afternoon and after check-out Monday morning.

When is the retreat?

The Fall 2024 retreat will take place from October 25 to October 28. Participants can check in on Friday afternoon, and the retreat will conclude on Monday morning. The package includes accommodations for three nights.

Are meals included? Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?

Yes, all meals are included in the retreat package.

We strive to accommodate various dietary restrictions and preferences. Please inform us of any specific dietary needs when you complete your orientation form (to be sent closer to the retreat date), and we will do our best to ensure that your meals are tailored to your requirements.

How can I contact the retreat organizers for more information?

You can email us at for any additional questions.